World Economic Forum 2016 in Davos on January 20-23, promises to pay great attention to cyber-physical systems and FinTech revolutionary solutions.

This year a lot of sessions will be dedicated to emerging technologies changing the world’s economic ecosystem and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

According to one of the latest agenda by Klaus Schwab on the WEF official website:

“Like the revolutions that preceded it, the Fourth Industrial Revolution [cyber-physical systems] has the potential to raise global income levels and improve the quality of life for populations around the world.”

Chris Larsen, the Co-Founder of Ripple will participate in this year’s World Economic Conference as well, thus the Bitcoin community may wait for new hot topics coming from Davos soon.

Last year Davos had already spoken on the digital currency and Bitcoin. This year we will luckily hear even more as many other Bitcoin and Blockchain supporters will be there in Davos, like Mauricio Macri and Evgeny Kaspersky.