Multilingual Austrian Economics expert Fernando Ulrich is driving the cryptocurrency bandwagon in Brazil and the Portuguese-speaking world. His blog, translated as “Money in the Digital World,” on Brazilian business portal InfoMoney, has introduced many influential Brazilians to cryptocurrencies.

And with the World Cup just months away, these are exciting times for Brazil’s economy.

We reached out to Ulrich earlier this week to get his views on Bitcoin in Brazil and elsewhere.

CT: How has your book, “Bitcoin - a moeda na era digital” (“Bitcoin - money in the digital age”), been received among Brazilian readers?

FU: I think it has been very well received. Firstly, there was no book on the matter in the Portuguese language. Secondly, it is not just a book explaining how the system works but also a thorough economic analysis of this new form of money and a defense of the liberty of money itself.


For old users, the book will make them understand in a more profound manner the economic and societal implications of Bitcoin. For the laymen, it'll be a concise but complete introduction to the technology at the very least.

Thus far, I've given several interviews to the press regarding the book and Bitcoin in general. Hopefully, with my book Brazilian readers will be able to understand better what the technology is and the tremendous positive potential it brings to society.