eBay CEO John Donahoe fielded a range of questions on Tuesday as part ofthe company’s Annual General Meeting of eBay shareholders which was held in SanJose, California. Given the importance of efficient and cheap payments, it ishardly a surprise that shareholders raised the issue of Bitcoin payments.

During the meeting some presentations of the results of 2013 andfinancial guidance of the company were shown to the shareholders. One of thepresentations showed the reason why eBay and PayPal should continue theircooperation. To remind you, this year Carl Icahn stated that eBay should spin off 20% of its PayPal division.

The question of what Donahoe think about Bitcoin in regards to globaltrade came from Carl Davis, Jr of the Silicon Valley Black Chamber of Commerce.

Donahoe admitted that Bitcoin is a new and emerging technology thatdemanded attention:

"We think Bitcoin will playa very important role in the future. Exactly how that plays out, and how we canbest take advantage of it and enable it with PayPal, that's something we'reactively considering. It's on our radar screen."

However, at the moment eBay users can buy some Bitcoin souvenirs andmining rigs on eBay but sellers cannot but so far they are stuck with using fiatmoney to make payment.