An auction site for Devcoin users went onlinethis month, and early registrants are eligible for discounts and freebies.

Devcoin Auctions, where users can buy labeled consumerproducts such as electronics, start at zero and typically don’t approach fullretail price, according to the site. Users can sign up for free and purchasebids.

Depending on the bid package you purchase, a single bid costsjust more or less than US$1. This price, according to a blog post on the site,reflects the volatility of cryptocurrencies, vigilance against bots and shillbidding, and maintenance of an affiliate program.

Users can pay with BTC, LTC, DVC and PayPal. All profits fromDevcoin Auctions will go toward the Devcoin project itself.

A limited number of free bids have been set aside for newmembers. Those who sign up in time will receive 15 such bids, according to astatement on behalf of the site. Also, bid packages through the end of May willbe discounted 25%, and affiliate commissions will be doubled during that timeframe.

Wrote site’s founder, sidhujag: “I wanted to create anotherexample of a business like that provides a service which is alignedwith the goals of Devcoin but in tune to financial results so that not onlywould it be self-sustaining, but giving people jobs as well as using profits tobuy Devcoins at market, and then put the rest in the Devcoin Community Fundwhich will be used at a future time to fund other open-source projects that thecommunity deems fit for its contribution...the Devcoin economy should improvedrastically when the business becomes self-sufficient.”