Personal Details

Darryl W. Perry, born 1978, currently living in Keene, New Hampshire, United States


Associate’s degree in mass communications

Professional experience and achievement

Darryl is the owner and managing editor of Free Press Publications. He also is an author and radio host.

First experience with cryptocurrencies

Darryl first heard about Bitcoin in 2009 but says he didn’t understand it because he was “a staunch hard money guy.” In 2011, he explored Bitcoin further and opened a wallet strictly to accept payments for his business. He began buying and actually holding the coin in late 2012 and has since become an evangelist.

Role in the Bitcoin community

Darryl is the first presidential candidate in the US to accept Bitcoin. He is a Bitcoin user and accepts the currency exclusively for his online store. He is also a media sponsor and writer for BitcoinNotBombs.