Did you know that Cointelegraph, the go to source for cryptocurrency news and community opinion, is also available in other languages?

Previously we announced the launch of the Spanish version and now we are proud to announce that the content on our website is also available in Russian.

Although Russia has received some bad press in the new for their unfavorable stance on cryptocurrencies, the use of digital currencies is not officially restricted and the Russian Bitcoin community is one of the largest in the world.

We select the best news, interviews with cryptocurrency experts and latest Bitcoin trends and add it on the Russian version of our website.

To choose the language you want to read the stories at – simply select the language by using the flags at the top right-hand corner of the homepage.

“The world of digital currencies is growing with each passing day; as more and more businesses, entrepreneurs, start-ups, and everyday people begin to adopt this technology due to its many advantages, it is becoming increasingly important to educate yourself and be aware of these new financial and technological innovations.” – CT Mission Statement

We understand that the community is vast, and comprised of a uniquely colorful range of nations, which are becoming increasingly active in the Bitcoin space. By offering our news to these new markets and regions, a wealth of information is opening up for an entirely new demographic and millions of new community members. Moreover, weekly roundups are also provided in Russian so our readers are always up to date on the latest from the world of cryptocurrencies and never miss a beat.

In the meantime, stay tuned for more announcements about exciting future developments at Cointelegraph.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Moreover, for our Russian speaking readers – join us @ VKontakte.