Coinabse is one of the most successful startups in the field of crypto currency of the recent years. Coinbase is offering wallets to more than 400000users in the USA. The system is a cloud-based service offering also the processing of payments and offers special feature to merchant. More than 13000 merchants use this service on the regular basis. Also Coinbase is one of the traders who introduced the method of sending and receiving of bitcoins via email. Still the main drawback of the service is that only a narrow part of the bitcoin community can join – the service works only with US based bank accounts.

Now Coinbase has decided to go even further and recently has introduced a great and full featured app of the Apple iTunes store. The one of the founders of the company Fred Erscham says that this widens the capabilities of their customers and should lead to the overall widening of the range of users. He uses this application too and thinks that makes the life generally easier. During far trips or busy days money can be easily and fast transferred from a wallet to another or within several days get exchanged on fiat currency.

The verification on the app can be done with the help of banking data – credit card and account data or with the help of the registered mobile phone number.

The Coinbase Company has launched many other interesting things during the recent time. One of them is the opportunity to send coins with the help of simple text massages – the SMS. The first 1 million dollar transaction will not have any fees.

There is also a very interesting feature of the app never used even online ever before. For every transaction, even very small one with the help of the iOS application the sender and the receiver will get a bonus equal to 5 dollars. Nothing could be better to attract new users as to give away real money.

Coinbase is a very fast developing company. Consisting of six persons it received huge investments during the past year. They were done by such leading players as the Union Square Ventures, Ribbit Capital and some others. The idea itself was developed in San Francisco in the Y Combinator incubator.

Coinbase has made a huge step forward for the whole branch of bitcoins and economy in general. Their app is only the second to be offered on iTunes. The first one is Gliph. It can be described as messenger with the additional feature to attach bitcoins to send them to a recipient. It is easy to sign up, it provide a free cloaked email with a high level of privacy. It can be associated with wallets opened on many different services.

Still no one currently can compare its features to the one provided by Coinbase, which makes them and attractive company to invest and an interesting motivational example for development of similar features by their competitors.