Cloud computingprovider BizCloud has become one of the first in the field to accept Bitcoinpayments for its services.

As of yesterday,customers are now able to pay for any of the company’s cloud infrastructuresolutions using the currency, which will be processed by BitPay with the ratecalculated at the time of purchase.

“Considering our role in the cloud computingspace and our commitment to provide industry-leading technology to ourcustomers, Bitcoin was a natural fit,” said CEO Vahid Razavi in a press release on Tuesday.

Logical step

Cloudbiz already has astrong following, and is using the advantage of low-cost Bitcoin payments toaid international expansion by appealing to cost-savvy clients, who will nolonger be required to pay international bank transfer fees.

“We decided to accept Bitcoins to give both ourdomestic and international customers a quick and effortless alternative paymentoption, but also to support the technology that we believe will disrupt thefinancial industry in the coming years,” Razavi explained.

Disruption is a wordon the lips of many current Bitcoin adopters, Coinreport reporting on Australian IT company Ellenet, whose moveto start accepting Bitcoin payments in April placed it somewhat ahead of thegame.

“Crypto currencies are the future, it’s plainlyobvious and people need to understand that Bitcoin and other coins are notgoing away,” director EstelleAsmodelle said, “Without sounding terse,you can’t stop progress.”

Separately, investorsfar and wide have been voicing their support for Bitcoin in increasingly publicenvironments such as Bloomberg TV, and at this point it would seem unwise todismiss the hype.

The community is alsoseeing more businesses warm to Bitcoin as a ‘natural progression’ of theirservices, identifying the innovation with their existing clientele.

David Butler of UKretailer CeX, which is trialing Bitcoin-only payments in one of its stores, told a British newspaper this week, “In our store, the staff and customers liveand breathe technology so it's only appropriate we looked at Bitcoin as a wayfor our customers to buy and sell electronic goods.”