The key to Africa’s prosperity lies in the hands of its young entrepreneurs or “Cheetahs” who are increasingly turning to bitcoin to drive positive change across the continent.

Africa’s Cheetahs

Africa’s prosperity depends on Cheetahs. By Cheetahs I mean the fresh and young minds who are working assiduously to change the ailing face of the African continent without any buffoonery. 

"Cheetahs are the new and angry generation of young African graduates and professionals, who look at African issues and problems from a totally different and unique perspective,” explains expert Ghanaian economist, George Ayittey. “They are dynamic, intellectually agile, and pragmatic.”

The cheetah generation believes in hard work. You may find some of them in farming, ICT business, craftsmanship or idea entrepreneurship. I respect all cheetahs, but I really admire the idea entrepreneurs. They understand how ideas shape the world so they are very swift in adopting innovation. Their aim is to improve people’s lives with these novel ideas.

Get close to them and they will generously feed your brain with their views on classical liberalism, Austrian economics, governance 2.0, spontaneous order, to name a few.

Hello Bitcoin

Recently, I have noticed that these change ambassadors have shifted the paradigm from political philosophy to cryptocurrency. The cheetahs are now into bitcoin, a new kind of money without central authority or banks. Smart Guys!

They believe bitcoin can save Africa from being ruined by intellectual buffoons. The bumbling political leaders can no longer suck our blood with fiat money. Unlike fiat money, no government controls bitcoin. It is a form of digital currency, and can only be held electronically.

The institution I work for, the Common Sense Foundation, will endorse bitcoin because its advantages far outweigh fiat money. Sneaking my inquisitive nose to sniff out what is exactly in bitcoin, the following benefits grab my attention;

  1. Easy and Convenient:  One can easily set up a bitcoin account within a blink of an eye.
  2. Transparency: Transactions are recorded in an open public ledger known as blockchain.
  3. Decentralized: No central authority or bank controls it.
  4. Anonymity: In the bitcoin system, account holders names are not linked to their addresses, which makes the account holder more anonymous as compared to the old fiat system.

The cheetahs have seen how bitcoin is really changing the developed world. Since bitcoin is known to many people across Europe and America, but not in Africa, the cheetahs have decided to promote it in the mainstream media to make it an acceptable method of payment and good for the exchange of goods and services.

Cheetahs in bitcoin won’t rest on their laurels (I believe), and unlike the Hippos (I mean the crazy, dumb politicians), the cheetahs will ensure that their efforts bring sanity and prosperity to all people. 

The Common Sense Foundation understands that there is slow bitcoin uptake in Africa due to extreme poverty, lack of education, and irrational fear of technology. For Africa to accept bitcoin, there needs to be tireless effort in its education and promotion. Henceforth, the Common Sense Foundation will collaborate on ideas with the cheetahs in bitcoin to increase its visibility and acceptability.

Kudos to Cheetahs like the founders of the Ghana Bitcoin Foundation (Bitcoin Sika Blaze, Philip Agyei Asare and Richmond Asumin), Tawanda Kembo of Zimbabwe, Mustapha Cole of Sierra Leone, and Alakanani “Bitcoin Lady” Itireleng of Botswana. I thank you guys for turning on the light for bitcoin advocacy.

By Kwaku Adusei (Common Sense Foundation)

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