Personal Details 

Catheryne Nicholson, born 1968, currently living in the Bay Area, California 
BS Aerospace Engineering 
MS Environmental Engineering 
PE Mechanical Engineering 
Professional experience and achievement 
Catheryne is an engineer, mother and former US naval officer. She has built software platforms for tactical air mission planning, CRM, energy management and education systems. 
Getting more kids interested in STEM fields, solving poverty worldwide, providing education for girls in third-world countries. Catheryne says she would like to see more women involved in Bitcoin and blockchain technology as enablers for change. 
First experience with cryptocurrencies 
Catheryne’s interest in digital currencies began while building a mobile web education app: 
“Cash and check predominate education, and there's no good online alternative. I realized that the underlying technology behind digital currencies (the blockchain) has the potential to revolutionize everything and can change the face of poverty and education in the world. We are building a platform to enable that to change happen.” 
Role in the Bitcoin community 
Catheryne is CEO and founder of BlockCypher, which powers blockchains in the cloud. 
BlockCypher runs multiple blockchains on the same infrastructure and exposes its platform through simple web APIs and callbacks for developers to easily build applications (“e.g., you can post Bitcoin transactions in less than one page of JS code”). She describes her company as Amazon Web Services for blockchains.