Just a short time ago, Cointelegraph was releasing last materials dedicated to the recent BlockShow Asia 2017. However, today the conference team came back to announce BlockShow Europe 2018, its third big conference dedicated to discovering the hottest innovations, trends and sensations currently happening in both European and Global Blockchain scenes.

BlockShow Europe will be held from May 28-29 in Berlin. Why exactly so? According to the organizing team, Berlin was chosen as one of the main European centres for fintech and Blockchain development; apart from that, the large concentration of investments, startups, and innovative businesses makes the city an important hub for many trending industries. Last, but definitely not least is the spirit of the city itself. Anna Sergius, Head of Product & Operations at BlockShow commented:

“Berlin is a European capital of Blockchain. Concentration of Blockchain people is enormous! [...] It’s really easy to get along with the local community. Obviously, our next conference should happen here! For me, it’s a very casual city: it’s comfortable, convenient and full of freedom.”

With each new event, the BlockShow conference gets bigger. It is expected that BlockShow Europe 2018 will be visited by more than 3,000 attendees; over 150 companies from all over the world will exhibit their projects, and 120+ organizations and companies will provide their support for the event. That’s twice the size of the recent BlockShow Asia 2017, and about five times bigger than BlockShow Europe 2017.

BlockShow CEO Addy Crezee said:

“The main mission which we are carrying through BlockShow, through the each event of ours - to bring value to the Blockchain community, to be helpful for any participant. We strive to yield benefits for startups, so they can get all the valuable connections they need among Blockchain celebrities and Investors, so they can establish partnerships they need. Blockchain projects can present themselves and and raise funds; those who want to make announcement to the world are absolutely welcome to make it from the stage of BlockShow!

We are bringing value - this is our main objective and guidance. And this is exactly why our events keep growing - to be useful for as many people from the ecosystem as possible.”

What to expect?

Throughout its existence, BlockShow seems to have worked out a perfect formula of what to offer to guests and participants. The upcoming event will be no exception: BlockShow Europe is going to reveal the most groundbreaking releases from various Blockchain companies, the most successful Blockchain-powered projects, as well as deep insights into how Blockchain is being utilized in cutting-edge global industries: IoT, AI, cybersecurity, trade and finance, and others. Furthermore, the conference will be welcoming representatives of Central Banks and governmental structures who will share their experiences and plans for harnessing the possibilities Blockchain can provide.

Top Blockchain experts around the globe claim 2018 to be the year of global Blockchain regulations, so there is no way BlockShow won’t raise this question at the main stage of the upcoming event. Our greatest aspiration is to reach balance and fairness for the global Blockchain law, and this is our way to contribute to one of the main Blockchain topics of 2018.

BlockShow Europe 2018 is going to bring together over 80 internationally recognized influencers and experts from banks, institutions, and other global sectors. For two days straight, they will be delivering their professional experience, knowledge and more. Take a look at some of them:

There is so much more that BlockShow Europe is preparing for its guests! Each year the organizing team strives to bring more ‘show’ to the whole concept of BlockShow, so there is no doubt this time the event will be packed with even more exhibition, expanded networking opportunities, and entertainment. Both of last year’s Startup Competitions were a truly exciting and fun experience; in 2018, the event will keep this tradition of discovering and rewarding the most promising Blockchain companies out there, so if you are a Blockchain entrepreneur- this opportunity is for you!

Don’t miss out

Starting today, registration for BlockShow Europe 2018 is officially open. Learn more and register for the conference at the official BlockShow Europe website. Of course, there is no way we will let you get away without a special offer - so don’t forget to use the code CTPOWER18 to save 30% off your purchase.

See you in Berlin!