Nodio, a development company behind the Xana Blockchain network, believes its Blockchain-based router is the solution against government surveillance and privacy attacks.

It was recently revealed by Amnesty International that even the world’s most popular messaging apps including Skype, WeChat and Snapchat, lack basic encryption methods including end-to-end encryption. Some messaging apps including WeChat admits that the company avoids integrating vital encryption systems to enable the government to access user data.

However, as seen in Bitcoin and in anonymity-focused cryptocurrencies such as Monero, an increasing number of users are beginning to become aware of the consequences of weak privacy systems and the importance of user privacy.

Nodio is attempting to utilize this decentralized nature of Blockchain to develop a distributed ledger-based router.

Protecting suspicious Internet connections

Any WIFI user that also run reputable antivirus software including Bitdefender, understand the risks in using public WIFI connections. Even in a shared office, advanced software like Bitdefender warns users against potential attacks and data theft depending on the security measures of the connection.

The Nodio development team states that its Blockchain-based router can protect users from public WIFI connections while enabling decentralized applications deployed on the Xana Blockchain network.

The Nodio team states:

“Nodio is much more than a regular router. It’s using Blockchain for running DApps (Decentralized Applications) and guarantees the highest level of privacy for every solution based on a device. Just imagine a real peer-to-peer Internet with messengers, social media and browsers immune to external threats and hacks and free from censorship and being exposed.”

Nodio’s impact on user privacy

The launch of the privacy-focused Nodio browser aligns with the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) decision to pass a series of privacy rules for broadband providers.

In late October, the FCC passed a ruling that stated ISP providers must explicitly explain the type of data it is collecting from its users. That means, ISP providers can no longer steal user data without sending a prior notification to its users.

The official FCC document read:

“ISPs must tell customers about the collection, use and sharing of their information”

Although the ruling still suggests that ISPs could collect a minimal amount of user data, additional integration of privacy-focused devices such as the Nodio Blockchain-based browser will significantly increase the level of protection against data surveillance.

Furthermore, the Nodio router’s ability to run native decentralized applications from the Xana Blockchain network opens the device to operate as an IoT (Internet of Things) device for users that will sync their smartphones or other devices with the router.

“It can manage an IoT network of a smart home, be a connecting link for sharing economy deals or build a secure decentralized network for your business,” the Nodio team explained.