For a Blockchain ecosystem to thrive, it must create a sustainable platform to develop, market and deploy projects across a variety of industries.

How to build a successful investment portfolio

Investment portfolios have their ups and downs. All industries experience the same cycle, and not all projects will enjoy the same level of success. It benefits an organization to incubate a diverse set of revenue-generating projects.

This strategy is adopted from tried and true fund management. Sustainability is when there is a positive return on the collective portfolio.

Success is also maximized when participants of the business plan, as well as their project execution, are diversified in experience. Each contributor provides unique expertise during business planning and project execution.

Expertise conflict is replaced with collaboration because there is no shortage of experience needed to create a diverse and profitable portfolio. Steady returns are better managed when there is a variety of industries with revenue-generating assets and products.

“Future benefit” culture

In the early days of Blockchain, development teams focused on one product. When key members left that project, the entire initiative was in jeopardy. In a volunteer-based “future benefit” culture, loyalty is not in salary, it’s in ideology. In the fast-growing world of Blockchain, loyalty can now be remunerated with money

This leaves single focused projects vulnerable to the same HR challenges of churn and shortage of qualified mission-aligned talent. When a Blockchain ecosystem intentionally creates a diversified portfolio, it mitigates and manages around market cycles and HR challenges.

Blockchain incubator Adel Ecosystems Ltd. is banking on the power of a diversified portfolio. They intend to create an environment which leverages business resources across a diversity of projects while building a structure to attract and retain top talent by offering participation and ownership in a variety of projects.

This offers a unique advantage of keeping a qualified team busy in an environment with an assortment of talent and a mixture of backgrounds.

As Blockchain expands into different verticals, the potential impact and productivity savings are significant. Before a project can be successful, a solid business plan is needed to construct its foundations.

Even before the business planning stage, ideas need to be discussed, debated and refined. These efforts are ineffective in isolation and resource heavy for projects developed in silos.

The need for a Blockchain incubator

A Blockchain ecosystem with a diverse portfolio improves its productivity throughout the roller coaster of project life cycles. Knowledge and experience carry forward to each new project and creates an opportunity to repurpose new ideas by contributing to already launched projects, improves the overall portfolio return on investment (ROI) and increases the number of technology use cases for faster feedback and improvement.

For example, if a team creates the world's greatest login protocol, it’s used only for that one purpose. In a collaborative diversified ecosystem, that protocol can be integrated into every project, providing a compounding ROI over time.

Cross-selling and upselling projects throughout the community need to be part of the core strategy or competitors will realize its potential and do the same.

The co-founders of Adel recognized the need for a Blockchain incubator to bring collaboration to a very disparate Blockchain community. Adel has set out to create a strong platform that fuels a diverse set of ideas, retains talent and attracts venture capitalists interested in cutting-edge technology.

Adel has created a unique platform to attract and retain those with the expertise to create business plans and turn them into viable projects. Processes in Adel’s ecosystem have been established to submit ideas for review and community discussion.

A voting and collaboration module will help refine ideas and develop business plans. Their community portal will also have a project module to showcase bi-weekly updates, including key performance indicators (KPIs).

The basis of this ecosystem creates synergy between people, process and technology. The liquidity of the Adelphoi coin on external exchanges also enables new members to join the community and bring new perspectives and insights.

Gabriel Dusil, Adel co-founder, says:

“There is an exploding interest in Blockchain technology. Thousands of proof-of-concepts span multiple industries. The Blockchain is being tested in government, Fintech, healthcare, Internet of things and ICT (information communication technology). The next few years will determine where Blockchain is most practical. We want Adel to be viewed as the go-to brand that accelerates ideas into successful projects.”

By Gabriel Dusil and Jessica Allen