All eyes will be onBlackCoin in May as the altcoin makes a decidedly raunchy entrance to WallStreet.

It was announced today on Bitcointalk that on 29 or 30 May, “50 attractivewomen” all wearing black will converge on New York’s main financial districtin support of the new BlackCoin Card, heralded by its creator as “a new approach to storing and transportingyour blackcoins safely”.

“Something huge”

The girls will bearmed with cards and sell sheets describing BlackCoin. Organizers plan toproduce one thousand cards initially, all of which will be funded fromdonations accepted until 17 May. The projected cost of manufacture andadditional expenses is just under US$10,000, but should donations exceed this figure,more cards will be made, and BlackCoin will not take a profit.

What is more,US$12,000 will reportedly allow for a professional camera team to record theevent, which will then be uploaded to free-to-view Internet platforms.

“I think this event will give us the most ROI,and this will be the tipping point for BlackCoin,” the Bitcointalk announcement reads. “This community has wanted something hugeand I strongly believe this is what we need.”

The BlackCoin Carditself was created to provide users with a physical interface for theircryptocurrency experience, in line with what has become a popular movement inthe altcoin world.

“It is hard to get people to believe insomething that only exists virtually. The cards are loaded with software thatwill make it easy to buy, manage, and trade blackcoins,” it is stated.