The current price for the Bitcoin has once again crossed the 1000 dollar mark on the MT.Gox, but even lower values would not stop Australian entrepreneur and developer Jason Williams from launching a new and very modern service BitPOS. It can be understood from the name that the idea considers a Bitcoin Point of Service terminal and software for merchants and vendors to apply. Mr. Williams commented on the current happenings as following:

“We’ve redesigned our website and have added an affiliate program for people to share in our success”.

The company is located in Sidney and the work was launched last year. The homepage of the project describes their main goal to make the acceptance of Bitcoin simple and without stress for retailers and servicemen. The key feature of the provided software is the easiness and comfort of use in the everyday life. The determining point distinguishing the product from similar already existing on the market is the ability to scale without any loss of productivity. The analysis of the mistakes of other developers and determination of weak points will bring to changes and innovations in the product in the closest future. Currently, BitPOS has united with BitScan to provide extra functions to the users. Every retailer, who will start using the software, will receive a mark on the BitScan map. The company runs a smartphone application (the iOS version is fully launched, but the Android app is currently developed) that generally is a listing of Bitcoin-friendly vendors accepting payments in the cryptocurrency.

The present statistics say that there are around 20 merchants accepting the coin in Melbourne, but more than 100 in Australia. The first day of the launch proved the activity to be necessary and long awaited – many companies have registered also in Sidney. Mr. Williams describes the upcoming year as determining for Bitcoin and retail. He seems to know that there is going to be a competitor in their niche, but he is happy that his company was able to present the software earlier than anyone else.

The BitPOS is going to be the first link in the chain of market products or the “secret project”. The trio – founder Williams, co-founder and developer Taylor and co-founder and administrator Allen – are looking forward a new way to obtain Bitcoin and to make deposits. The current situation is unfavorable for future development of the virtual coin – it is complicated to gain any amount of BTC and a new approach might make the currency even more attractive for users. The main aim here is to bring cryptographic currencies closer to fiat, traditional types of money considering their status and trust from the society.

In case there are some doubts, Jason Williams is also the president of the Bitcoin Association of Australia. He has approved to be engaged in communication with several official organizations like the Australian Tax Office, discussing the questions about the preferred position of the coin in the national financial policy, tax relevance and other questions that might definitely strengthen the image of the currency and remove uncertainties being important hurdles for Bitcoin-based business and investments. However, Mr. Williams rejected to give further information on the results, but voiced the necessity to hold conferences to engage more people in these important solutions and decisions.