There is one main feature that distinguishes Bitcoin meetups from other technological or IT gatherings – the absence of women. It is enough to observe the statistics of the seminars and conferences held during the past year or two to prove the truthfulness of statement. A research published by the University College London determines that 95% of Bitcoin users are male and the tendency has no reason to change in the nearest future. Sarah Blincoe is not going to tolerate the situation; her Bitcoin Beauties project is ready to promote the cryptocurrency among the weaker sex.

Sarah’s startup is a webpage dedicated to women interested and already using Bitcoin. Being a photographer, she is able to tell stories in color – with supportive and promotional photos. Her policy is to reach women addressing their beauty. She explains:

“For me to feel empowered and beautiful in a community is really important.”

The homepage is undergoing construction, but the material is already prepared. The slogan of the platform is “Beauty, Brains, Bitcoin”, but the logo is formed from a sketch of two sensual women, posing pin-up style with a “B” letter. The site has only the main page with a collage of already taken photos, but soon will comprise a database of Bitcoin female users’ profiles – with pictures, astrological signs, hobbies, something like “dreams and aspirations” and other interesting information. One of potential members has already filled in the form and described her goal as “open a multilevel facility of healing and art”. The 26-year old founder sees the resource as a discussion club and meeting area for Bitcoin users, developers, entrepreneurs and interested newbies to spread the idea of the virtual currency.

Experts support the idea of Blincoe, seeing the successful adoption of Bitcoin globally in the increasing interest from women. She comments:

“We're putting beauty into the anonymous Bitcoin world. What I'm doing with Bitcoin Beauties is to go back to really what women thrive on.”

The aim is not just to make the coin a unisex object, but to add feminine aspects to the asexual matter. Lander, from QuickCoin claimed:

“At the moment Bitcoin is not easy to use and is seen as super nerdy. It's just not cool or useable by regular people yet, and this is likely the underlying problem that is keeping the average woman from engaging with Bitcoin. When it's made as easy as paying with a credit card, and is presented in a more fun way that doesn't make it seem like a 'hackers only' type of thing, women will embrace it.”

Barbara Messer has launched an online magazine BitcoinWoman on the currency and very female topics also to support the introduction of women to the virtual environment. She describes the situation in a similar way:

“Women are those who are thinking in [a] broader way, they need [a] different approach, different details must be stressed. Our approach is to give them good, womenish explanations of what Bitcoin and other crypto currencies really are.”

The blogger Bitcoin Wife, writing articles and essays under the motto “All things fresh and fabulous in the Bitcoin world”, also contributes to the movement. She provides the society with Bitcoin cookies.  

Stephanie Murphy, from the “Let's Talk Bitcoin” podcast voiced some doubts on the auditory of the Bitcoin Beauties resource – smart ladies might attract more men than women. She believes:

“A group that calls itself Bitcoin Beauties - does that attract women or does that attract men? At the same time, I guess it takes all types right? I definitely don't begrudge the Bitcoin Wife. She brings a lot of people to Bitcoin.”

Such words are not knocking Sarah Blincoe off from her course. She is sure and can provide an impulse to others:

“Bitcoin is my power. I personally think Bitcoin is the most important issue our world faces right now. It gives women an entryway into the tech world without it having to be too technical.”

If women are not interested in global events in finance and technology, than Sarah gets an ace from her sleeve: “It's saying, “Hey, takes Bitcoin”.