Bitcoin’s principlesis about to be applied to Github to create the ultimate code-sharing platform.

Canadian softwaredeveloper Yurii Rashkovskiiwas tapping away on Github on a Bali beach, when suddenly the network wentdown.

“People say it’s no big deal because Gitis distributive,”Rashkovskii says, “but all thosedependencies I wanted weren’t.”

Focus accessibility

Faced with no endof irritation, he set about applying his knowledge of Bitcoin with the aim ofcreating a reincarnated Git, one which would provide the unlimited access andability to share that Git’s current users desire.

“I’d love to have such a network, andI’m sure I am not alone,”Rashkovskii told Wired.

The basic premiseof the project, dubbed Gitchain, is to allow decentralized elements of theBitcoin network to produce “adecentralized Git cloud that never goes down.” Cryptographically encryptedcopies of all information would be stored on every network node, meaning thatno matter what, dependencies would be accessible, as well as secure.

The project hassecured CAD$9,840 in crowdfunding on Kickstarter, and Rashkovskii is writingthe code from scratch, something which he forecasts taking several months, notaccounting for the various distractions offered by Bali’s beaches.

In the meantime,Rashkovskii is inviting donations, which can be made via the Kickstarter page here