After a hugely vibrant first day, the atmosphere on day two of Bitcoin2014 seemed a lot calmer.

With no talks being held on the main stage, focus was on smaller meet-ups and talks being held for smaller audiences on specific aspects of Bitcoin.

A major theme, as could be predicted, was the status of the Bitcoin Foundation as an entity, its present turmoil and its plans for future development.

Indeed, desire to increase international presence was a deciding factor behind the location of this very conference, and it was pertinent that a meeting to discuss the status quo should be scheduled towards its closure.

Watch this space

Aside from implementing damage control and gathering strength from the community in the immediate future, the Foundation also continued its course of globalization by announcing Asia as the location for 2015’s conference.

The location has yet to be disclosed, but the excitement will already be mounting considering the huge changes underway in the Asian Bitcoin environment, the landscape perhaps even changing completely in the course of the coming twelve months.

There were also feature presentations from Bobby Lee, who discussed the rise of Bitcoin in China and the community’s battle with continuing restrictive regulation, as well as from Jan Møller and Andreas Petersson, who discussed technical innovation in the form of the future of mobile wallets.

Elsewhere, smaller talks were less impacting, with a panel on the economics of Bitcoin illustrating more than anything the scarcity of research in the field. Moderator Jon Matonis informed about the activities of the foundation, the finances, internationalization plans and more.

In a question and answer session, many of the concerns that had been surfacing in the community arose as well, and the impression was that the Bitcoin Foundation had been very successful in solidifying its base of support in the Bitcoin community.

Bringing together the threads from day one as well as offering a more relaxed climate, the second day of the conference provided an appropriate counterpoint to the opener’s major events. Stay tuned to Cointelegraph for exclusive interviews and photos from Bitcoin2014, with our unmistakable multicolored backdrop.