Charlie Shrem, a founding member of Bitcoin Foundation, has been announced as the business development director for Jaxx, a multi-coin, multi-platform cryptocurrency wallet. The unexpected onboarding might influence more users to migrate to Jaxx.

It seems Shrem is on a roll now and one good thing follows another as he gains more influence – shortly after backing a Dash debit card, he is now putting his energy into the wallet side of digital currencies. Decentral, the company behind Jaxx’s wallet, states that Shrem will lead the company’s efforts as a director of business and community development.

Shrem told Cointelegraph:

“Right now, Jaxx is a multi-token wallet that works across all platforms and you only need one backup phrase. My goal is to increase this to over 30 tokens we support and the ability to trade fully between them within the app. Doing this removes reliance on exchanges which are unsafe, as we've seen. My role is creating and managing partnerships.”

Jaxx’s CEO Anthony Di Iorio and Shrem are known to have been close friends for years, although the news is still somewhat of a surprise to many.

“I’ve always been attracted to Decentral’s mission to build the universal Blockchain interface for the masses. Jaxx is helping to advance the entire ecosystem by providing users with a simple way to control their digital assets,” Shrem said regarding the functionality of Jaxx.

Multi-functional future

Jaxx has been steadily gaining support and interest from influential leaders such as Erik Voorhees and has integrated the ShapeShift exchange into the wallet, making it an easily accessible platform for digital currency holders dealing with multiple currencies while keeping their assets off an exchange and on their own software wallet as an added benefit.

On Jaxx’s functionality, Shrem states:

“I’m convinced this multi-platform multi-asset command center will do for Blockchain technology what the browser once did for the Internet.”

With the exponential growth seen in altcoins over the past year, multi-functional wallets are clearly the way forward. Although similar options like Exodus exist, users might put their trust into a key figure such as Shrem.

Meaning business

In April, Shrem appeared at BlockShow Europe, giving an exclusive for Cointelegraph, where he explained how the altcoin/Bitcoin pairs work:

“People are going to Dash, Ether, Ripple, but you are not seeing money exit the crypto. If you are looking at the market capitalization of all crypto for the last five years, you’ll notice that it is constantly up. It is super positive, Bitcoin is a reserve currency, you don’t see much USD to Dash trading pair, you see Dash/BTC, you see Steem/BTC, Bitcoin is like the reserve currency of all of these altcoins.”