For ones who still do not know – BIPS is the company from Denmark. It provides many different solutions considering the use of Bitcoins. But most importantly it assists merchants in the process of collection of payments. With rather low fees that tend to reach zero BIPS has attracted over 20000 merchants. Now it plans a new step – a huge leap forward – to associate with the Bigcommerce platform featuring more than 40000 merchants – two times more as currently services by BIPS.

This means that all merchants from this market place might easily refuse the traditional methods of receiving payments, especially credit and debit cards, and switch to the most comfortable and profitable method – the bitcoin crypto currency.

The CEO Kris Henrikson understands that all the merchants active on Bigcommerce will not immediately go for a bitcoin wallet, but the overall community of users might get bigger due to this collaboration. Still he sees the mission of his company to do its best to make crypto coins more popular in the society and to bring more people to use it, as it is reliable, safe and trustworthy.

The service provided by BIPS is very easy to use. No software has to be installed only several plugins are enough to obtain a wallet. The wallet has the API key, that must be updated on the Bigcommerce page and all the payments then will enter the provided wallet. The setting can be customized in accordance with personal preferences of the merchant. Even the icon letting other users know that the merchant uses bitcoins can be chosen. The helpdesk and support center of the BIPS is very effective and easy to use. With any kind of problem - the technicians can be assessed almost anytime.

Still the main hurdle is the receiving of allowance from the ecommerce cart platform. The work is already in progress, but officially the Bigcommerce Tweeter account and other information platform offer their customers only to vote for the possibility to introduce bitcoins to the market.

Widening the network of users by new 40000 people bring bitcoin closer to the status of the world currency – the most popular and respected. The wider the choice of payment methods the wider might become the offers of the merchants – considering the way the money flows to them. The CEO kris Henrikson also hopes that more people will understand that payments done in bitcoins come always on time and never get lost in comparison with traditional methods used on the market. The decentralization, no person that might affect the flow from peer to peer makes it very safe. The shorter the chain – the harder is to break its links.

Currently the biggest competitor for BIPS is the BitPay. They have launched 14 plugins for several ecommerce and content management system platforms. Still BIPS chairmanship is sure of the success as they have worked on this product more than 3 years.