Following the success of the 2014 Crypto Money Virtual Expo, a new international summit announced to bring together crypto enthusiasts, start-ups, and experts. Global attendance expected, and as General Media Partner Cointelegraph is proud to offer discounted booth prices.

Aiming to bring together the whole world of crypto enthusiasts, as well as those involved as experts, investors, and developers, the global reach of the events looks set to attract a much larger audience than has been possible in the past. Running on the 26th and 27th of February, the 2015 International Virtual Crypto Summit is bringing the well established idea of the conference into to a medium more suited to the cutting edge international world of crypto. Attendees will find themselves represented by an avatar on a mass multiplayer online role playing game platform, in which they can direct their character to interact with, attend, and take a look at, the summit's many features.

One problem facing an international phenomenon like crypto-currency is how can you get the huge number of actors involved in the scene around the world together in one place. Previous conferences such as the North American Bitcoin Conference in Miami were hit by controversy when key-speaker Roger Ver was unable to attend due to visa issues. Resorting to his stand-by “Double”, Ver was instead forced to rove the conference floor as a tele-prescence, a skill he has previously used on the streets of New York handing out Bitcoins to passers-by.

Happily for Ver, the online nature of the 2015 International Virtual Crypto Summit means he can take top billing as a key-speaker at the conference on the same footing as other experts from around the world. Other headliners include Toni Lane Casserly, the Editor and CEO of Cointelegraph. As general media partner for the summit, Cointelegraph is proud to be taking part in what looks to be one of the most inclusive and well attended crypto events to-date.

2015 International Virtual Crypto Summit Infographics

Along with lectures by the speakers, attendees will be able to move around the virtual conference center and pass by a number of other interesting attractions. Start-ups will be presenting pitches for investment in one hall, whilst in another the world's first virtual job fair for the crypto sector will be taking place connecting job seekers and employees. Further along in the main hall, crypto companies will be taking booths to update customers on new features, and showing off innovative new ideas and technologies. The summit winds up with an event to celebrate the blockchain's sixth birthday, and to offer the summit's attendees a final chance to mingle and network.

Summit co-founder Eyal Abramovitch descrived his excitement about the upcoming summit:

“The global crypto industry must come together and create a central hub that will support the expansion and growth of the entire ecosystem,and the only way is by offering free and easy access to every company,developer and bitcoiner from around the world. I hope that our virtual events will help to overcome geographic and budget limits and will allow everyone to be active members of the community.”

As well as being completely free to attend for normal users, Cointelegraph is happy to announce that through its General Media Partnership with the summit, we are able to offer discounted booth rates for start-ups, investors, authors, and corporations looking to take their spot in this global gathering. To take advantage of this exclusive offer, get in touch with our team on [email protected] to get your discounted rate.