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S. Matthew English

S. Matthew English is a research scientist specializing in blockchain technologies and linked open data. Matthew holds a BA in Political Science from New York University (NYU), and MSc in Computer Science from the University of Hong Kong (HKU), and is currently pursuing a PhD from the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn in Germany.

Author’s posts

Any carnival conjuror can attest that once an audience learns the science behind the way in which a trick is performed, the luster quickly fades.
Timestamp Hacking: Debunking the Myth of Precision Timestamps
S. Matthew English
The new model for backend organization of web-scale transaction networks.
Institutions Turn Inside Out: Backend Systems Revolution via Blockchain
S. Matthew English
The role of the semantic Blockchain grows as the arms race for pre-eminence in the field of AI escalates.
War for Artificial Intelligence: IBM’s Blockchain Push May Anticipate Google’s Ambush
S. Matthew English
Blockchain-based land registry may help create new toxic assets and lead to a new financial meltdown.
Blockchain Land Registry May Lead to New Global Financial Crisis
S. Matthew English
The interchange of homogeneous data facilitated by Blockchain technologies might be the catalyst needed to spur into reality the ideas of the dormant Semantic W...
Unbalkanizing the Blockchain Ecosystem: Emergence of Semantic Blockchain
S. Matthew English

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