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Or Lokay Cohen

Or Lokay Cohen is a vice president at Bittax, a crypto tax calculation platform. Or has 10 years’ experience with regulation, managing a leading tax consultant firm. She holds a LL.M. law degree, a B.A. in communications and an M.A. in management and public policy. In her work at Bittax, Or promotes the goal of bridging between cryptocurrency to the taxation reality to enable tax reporting under a clear regulatory framework and specific identification methods.

Author’s posts

Expert Take
The Portugal Tax Authority announced tax-free cryptocurrency trading, adding to the tax benefits already offered by the national government.
Portugal Could Be a Tax Haven — Not Only for Crypto Traders
Or Lokay Cohen
How to crypto
The United States tax collecting and legislation authority, the Internal Revenue Service, sends a new round of letters to cryptocurrency holders.
IRS Sends New Round of Letters to Bitcoin and Crypto Holders
Or Lokay Cohen
Expert Take
New Zealand has published a new ruling on salary and bonuses paid in crypto being subject to a pay-as-you-earn tax. But what does that actually mean?
New Zealand Rules for Crypto Salary — Have Hopes Been Answered?
Or Lokay Cohen
How to crypto
Cryptocurrency holders that will not reply are subject to account examination by the United States Internal Revenue Service.
US Crypto Holders Only Have a Few Days to Reply to the IRS 6173 Letter
Or Lokay Cohen
Expert Take
The FATF’s regulation might be the end of privacy in crypto industry, and the regulation might also create a black market of crypto addresses.
FATF Regulations – Is It the End of Crypto Anonymity?
Or Lokay Cohen

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