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Omar Bessa

I like solving problems, optimizing stuff and making things; doing whatever needs to be done, learning everything that needs to be learnt, while trying to accomplish everything in the most efficient and swift manner I can. If you need more information about me, just visit my website at

Author’s posts

According to owner and president Dave Bradley, Bitcoin Brains is perhaps the world’s first full-service, brick-and-mortar Bitcoin store in the world — certainly...
Canadian Brick-and-Mortar Store Bitcoin Brains Secures 10-Year, $2.1M Deal with BitNational
Omar Bessa
Ponzi is a type of scam where you promise people earnings while you don’t produce anything, and pay them with newcomers’ money.
An Anatomy of Bitcoin Ponzis
Omar Bessa
In response to a lengthy NY Times article, the Casa Rosada’s Community Manager posted on the @CasaRosadaAR Twitter account what would soon echo throughout socia...
Argentine Govt’s Ironic Bitcoin Tweet Belies Growing Ecosystem
Omar Bessa
In the event of an attack, who would defend Bitcoin? The fast answer would be its users—a distributed collective of like-minded individuals. But would they be e...
Bitcoin: A Target Without an Army to Defend It (Op-Ed)
Omar Bessa
Latin American Social Networking Giant Taringa! has started Taringa! Creadores a revenue sharing program to start paying its users bitcoin for their content con...
Latin America's Largest Social Network Will Pay Its Users in Bitcoin for Content
Omar Bessa
SatoshiTango is one of Argentina’s most well-known Bitcoin market makers. Since its beginning, the startup has differentiated itself through ease of use and a u...
SatoshiTango, the Argentine Exchange that Delivers to Your Door
Omar Bessa
Blockchain is just a distributed ledger, a database of sorts. Being simplistic, games can be thought as a database too, one with a very fancy UI. Why would any ...
Bitcoin & Gaming: Marriage of Convenience or Soul Mates? (Op-Ed)
Omar Bessa
Bitcoin price patterns by themselves are relevant, but many things affect the price. By learning about the variables, we may catch a glimpse of how price is de...
Understanding the Bitcoin Ecosystem
Omar Bessa

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