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Nick Ayton

Nick designs Blockchain Operating Models, has spent 35 years in technology services and 8 start ups behind him the last Fintech self service pensions platform. A frequent speaker and writer on all things Blockchain he is expects to publish a book on Blockchain Implementation Strategies in 2017.

Author’s posts

Nick Ayton aka the ‘Sage of Shoreditch’ looks at why there are so many people trying to damage Initial Coin Offerings.
Stop Trying To Kill My ICO: Nick Ayton
Nick Ayton
Nick Ayton our London Correspondent aka the ‘Sage of Shoreditch’ having just completed his own ICO 21Million looks at the phenomenon of why the US is rapidly be...
Why Does America Hate Crypto So Much To Become No Go Zone For ICOs?
Nick Ayton
Our London Correspondent Nick Ayton on why the Hollywood swamp is long overdue for draining, and how it’ll happen.
Blockchain Will Drain Hollywood Swamp, Breaking Glass Ceiling
Nick Ayton
Our London correspondent Nick Ayton reports on what really is behind the WannaCry ransomware outbreak and why things don’t entirely add up.
WannaCry Ransomware: US-Led Ploy to Discredit Bitcoin?
Nick Ayton
Nick Ayton reports on another exciting week in London, with Gibraltar rapidly becoming the most progressive center in EU, SpaceCoin going to Planet-1F, the real...
Gibraltar Now Most Progressive Center in EU: London Scene Roundup
Nick Ayton
Our London Correspondent Nick Ayton reports on another exciting week in London where hackers are up to off planetary stuff, the first coin synced to Moon cycles...
London Gets Hacked, Banks Up To Stuff: Nick Ayton Reports
Nick Ayton
Feel the imminent collapse of the world’s rigged financial system? Our future is crypto capital markets, says Nick Ayton the Sage of Shoreditch.
Crypto Capital Markets To Save Mankind From New Global Financial Storm
Nick Ayton
Nick Ayton explores the impact of Blockchain technologies and his own motivation to get involved in a new concept for funding a blockchain TV.
Ethereum Smart Contracts At Heart of Next TV Revolution: 21M Story
Nick Ayton

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