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Frisco d'Anconia

Frisco d'Anconia is a journalist by profession and a Free Market Activist in Africa. He's has been in Bitcoin since 2011 teaching Bitcoin to college students.

Author’s posts

The ripple effects of Bitcoin price fall is all top 10 altcoins’ deep plunge. Litecoin took a loss of seven percent, Ethereum Classic 14.6 percent. Some coins f...
Bitcoin Price Fall Creates Ripple Effect on All Top 10 Altcoins, ETC Most in Red
Frisco d'Anconia
Akin Fernandez, a software engineer and owner of the Bitcoin startup Azteco, predicts that China will not enjoy the benefits of Bitcoin.
Bitcoin Will Be Dominated By Western Nations, China Will Be Vassal Nation Again
Frisco d'Anconia
Egyptian Bitcoin enthusiast Ahmed Elmogy thinks Bitcoin is doing well in his country and would do even far better if it is not the military regimes negative per...
Bitcoin in Egypt Is Treated Like Narcotic Drugs, But Enthusiasts Soldier On
Frisco d'Anconia
Georgia signed an agreement to use the Bitcoin Blockchain to verify property transactions. This is the first time a national government is using the Blockchain ...
Georgia Becomes First Country to Register Property on Blockchain
Frisco d'Anconia
Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann, a member of European Central Bank’s Governing Council, has recently called for sweeping regulatory oversight of the Blockcha...
Banks Should Embrace Blockchain, Not Oppose It: Matthias Klees
Frisco d'Anconia
Swedish Pirate Party's Founder Rick Falkvinge is a political evangelist and IT entrepreneur. He explains to Cointelegraph why he’s not satisfied with the Bitcoi...
Swedish Pirate Party's Founder: Bitcoin Community Has Political Problems
Frisco d'Anconia
Top 10 cryptocoins competition is intensifying with some Cryptos displacing others.
Top 10 Crypto Reshuffle: NEM Pushes Back Augur and Steem
Frisco d'Anconia
James Fennell Tempelhof, war zones old hand and Chief Griffin of Bitnation, on how Nation States are completely failing and why Blockchain and Bitcoin are alter...
Case Against Nation States and For Bitcoin: Bitnation’s James Fennell Tempelhof
Frisco d'Anconia

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