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Aaron van Wirdum

Aaron van Wirdum is a freelance journalist. He studied Politics and Society in Historical Perspective at Utrecht University, and specialized himself in the influence of freedom of speech and communication technologies on social structures

Author’s posts

Visa Europe believes existing payments companies and new players should cooperate more openly; BitFury announced that it has raised US$20 million in its third v...
JUL 10 DIGEST: Visa Exec Says Bitcoin Has a Future in Payments; BitFury Raises $20 Million in New VC Round
Aaron van Wirdum
BlockTrail yesterday launched its Mint exchange, which swaps “old” coins for newly mined ones. In a first of its kind, users can buy bitcoins that came straight...
Mint Exchange Service for Newly Mined Coins Rebuffs Bitcoin’s Fungibility
Aaron van Wirdum
Three of the biggest Western mining pools – representing a total of some 19% of hashing power on the Bitcoin network – stand divided on raising the block size l...
KnC Miner, Slush Pool & BitFury at Odds Over Block Size Increase
Aaron van Wirdum
A new law introduced in the Netherlands last week could allow surveillance to tap the Bitcoin network, the Irish company comes to the rescue of Greek businesses...
JUL 7 DIGEST: New Dutch Law on Bulk Surveillance Allows Bitcoin Network Tapping; Irish Company Offers BTC Services to Greek Businesses
Aaron van Wirdum
A San Francisco escort has written a guide for other escorts to teach them how to accept bitcoin for their services; banking giant BNP Paribas regards Bitcoin a...
JUL 3 DIGEST: Escort Teaches Other Escorts about Bitcoin; BNP Paribas Calls Bitcoin a Disruptive Invention
Aaron van Wirdum
Bitstamp released its incident report regarding the hacking of their hot wallet of last January, BitGo announced a new stamp of approval in BTC transactions tha...
JUL 1 DIGEST: Bitstamp Releases Incident Report; BitGo Launches Certificate to Prove Solvency
Aaron van Wirdum
The Dutch National Bitcoin Congress was held on June 24 and attended by bankers who appear to be enthusiastic about the blockchain.
The Dutch National 'B-Word' Congress: ‘The Future of Money Isn't Bitcoin’
Aaron van Wirdum
Tomer Kantor is a London-based film producer who, for the past three years, has been documenting the Bitcoin phenomenon under his “IamSatoshi” label
Tomer ‘IamSatoshi’ Kantor: ‘I Still Look at Bitcoin as Political Activism’
Aaron van Wirdum

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