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Aaron van Wirdum

Aaron van Wirdum is a freelance journalist. He studied Politics and Society in Historical Perspective at Utrecht University, and specialized himself in the influence of freedom of speech and communication technologies on social structures

Author’s posts

NASDAQ has agreed to provide the New York-based startup Noble Markets the core technology to power a marketplace for trading bitcoins, Russia’s Ministry of Fina...
MAR 24 DIGEST: NASDAQ-Powered BTC Marketplace Announced, Russia’s Anti-Bitcoin Law Confirmed for 2015
Aaron van Wirdum
Dutch bitcoin and altcoin brokerage Anycoin Direct expands its instant buying and selling service to an additional fourteen – predominantly Eastern European – c...
Bitcoin Brokerage Anycoin Direct Expands to an Additional 14 European Countries
Aaron van Wirdum
Intel has posted a job announcement for a new researcher to join its special innovation projects group to investigate decentralized ledgers, Ukraine will block ...
MAR 20 DIGEST: Intel Joins the Blockchain Technology Race, Ukraine Vows to Block Separatists’ Bitcoin ‘Accounts’
Aaron van Wirdum
Japan's largest Internet company Rakuten Inc. has started to accept Bitcoin as a payment option on its American portal, MasterCard describes cryptoc...
MAR 17 DIGEST: Japan’s Rakuten to accept Bitcoin and MasterCard report identifies cryptocurrency as a major competitor
Aaron van Wirdum
Factom and Tether enter into a partnership to share each other’s Bitcoin 2.0 tech, Reddit announces that its merchandise store is now accepting bitcoin, and mor...
MAR 10 Digest: Factom and Tether Announce Partnership, Reddit Accepts Bitcoin for Merchandise
Aaron van Wirdum
The US Marshals Service announced that 14 bidders participated in yesterday's auction of 50,000 BTC, a university study suggests that most BTC miners lose money...
MAR 6 DIGEST: Third US Marshals Bitcoin Auction Sees Increased Bidder Interest, Study Suggests Miners Lose Money
Aaron van Wirdum
The atmosphere is heating up in the Netherlands, as a court appeal has created a divide in the Dutch bitcoin community. At stake: the legal status of bitcoin. ...
Court appeal divides Dutch bitcoin community
Aaron van Wirdum
Bitcoin Foundation Chief Scientist and former lead developer of Bitcoin Core, Gavin Andresen, believes to have come up with a solution to vastly speed up block ...
FEB 27 Digest: Gavin Andresen Seeks to Speed Up Block Validation, Coinsetter Aims to Improve Trade with BTC Blockchain
Aaron van Wirdum

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