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Denmark News

The Kingdom of Denmark is a Scandinavian country with a total area — including Greenland and the Faroe Islands — of two million kilometers and a population of little less than 6 million people. Denmark is a developed, free-market economy with one of the highest GDPs per capita in the world. Denmark is also one of the main centers of science and technology development, participating in such projects as European Organization for Nuclear Research, the International Space Station and others. Denmark is a part of the development of blockchain technology, having a highly educated population and advantageous investment climate. Bitcoin in not regulated in Denmark. Danish authorities allow the usage of Bitcoin as a payment tool, as an asset and as a good. However, Bitcoin is not considered to be currency or a legal tender. Bitcoin exchanges in Denmark are not a part of any regulatory authority’s jurisdiction and are free to perform any legal activity.
MIT cites major flaws in the NY BitLicense, Euro Banking Association issues a report on 'Cryptotechnologies,' Denmark will discontinue the printing of new fiat ...
MAY 13 DIGEST: MIT Names 'Critical Flaws' in BitLicense, Euro Banking Assoc. Releases ‘Cryptotechnologies’ Report
Diana Ngo
Danish cryptocurrency exchange platform CCEDK announces it has started accepting Darkcoin, allowing the privacy-centered digital currency to gain wider European...
Darkcoin Gains Wider European Exposure, Now Trading at Danish Exchange CCEDK
Diana Ngo
We got a chance to ask Ronny CEO CCEDK about the recent launch of Nubits, his forward-thinking approach to altcoins and 2.0 cryptocurrencies, and the state of B...
If We Can’t Use PayPal 100%, What Is the Purpose Then?” – Ronny Boesing, CEO CCEDK
Allen Scott
Danish cryptocurrency exchange CCEDK announced in a statement Friday that it would begin offering direct payments to more than 1000 banks.
Danish Exchange CCEDK Offering Direct Payments from 1000-Plus Banks in the EU
Armand Tanzarian
Bitcoin regulations in Europe.
Legal Basics: Owning and Using Bitcoin in Europe
Armand Tanzarian
Looks like somebody has finally done their homework right as the Tax Board of Denmark saw the reason and decided not to impose taxes on any gain or loss due to ...
Denmark Is Determined To Leave Bitcoin Transactions Free Of Taxes
Neil Bergen
Positive news was brought from Denmark. The Denmark’s Financial Supervisory Authority or the FSA issued a statement in some points similar to the warning publis...
Denmark Has Presented Its Attitude on Bitcoin
Sweden’s Pizza24, a service that allows customers to order pizza locally through a single online platform, has announced it has begun accepting Bitcoin payment....
Scandinavian pizza delivery service accepts Bitcoins in three countries
Eric Barrier

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