{"id":6840,"date":"2021-03-11T08:40:10","date_gmt":"2021-03-11T13:40:10","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/cointelegraph.com\/magazine\/?p=6840"},"modified":"2021-03-11T08:43:30","modified_gmt":"2021-03-11T13:43:30","slug":"is-my-car-judging-me-ontologys-jun-li-on-digital-id-and-privacy","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/cointelegraph.com\/magazine\/2021\/03\/11\/is-my-car-judging-me-ontologys-jun-li-on-digital-id-and-privacy","title":{"rendered":"When privacy is a privilege: Ontology’s Jun Li on blockchain-based digital ID"},"content":{"rendered":"

\u201cEveryone’s car generates a lot of data every day,\u201d points out Jun Li, founder of the open-source digital identity blockchain Ontology.<\/strong><\/p>\n

The automotive sector is one in which his company\u2019s ID solution has a clear use case, as each driver\u2019s data can be stored and used to calculate insurance premiums according to actual driving behavior.<\/p>\n

\u201cSome insurance companies will put telemetry devices on the cars to collect your driving information. Every year, your insurance pricing will be based on your behavior data.\u201d<\/p><\/blockquote>\n

For Li, this is a positive development because good drivers will receive well-earned discounts on their insurance payments. But what if someone does not want an insurance company to access their driving records?<\/p>\n

\u201cThey can decide what kind of data they want to share with whom,\u201d Li explains, adding that \u201cThis meets the legal requirements for privacy and data protection.\u201d So, privacy remains under the driver\u2019s control… but at what price?<\/p>\n

\u201cIf you want to protect your privacy, you can use this way: \u2018I don’t want to share data, I am willing to pay a higher price,\u2019 so it’s everyone’s choice.\u201d Li proclaims, explaining that without a provable, established reputation, no discounts can be offered.<\/p>\n

It seems as if privacy is becoming a premium good. Developments like these are scary to many, but Li anticipates most people being happy to part with all types of data if they can get benefits in return. \u201cA user will realize that data becomes a real asset. All data has value \u2014 even direct monetary value.\u201d<\/p>\n

In one sense, there is nothing quite new to this, as insurance companies have long based premiums on information such as age and gender, which are seen to predict driving behavior. At least this solution would base the premiums on actual behavior.<\/p>\n

Li\u2019s larger vision is of a globally compatible digital ID that can connect an individual with all the data they generate and allow them to pass it on to whomever they choose. This is comparable to privacy settings on social media sites, minus the need to trust the social media company itself. In the new age, industries like decentralized finance, or DeFi, could operate with credit scores, and ID can be associated with educational achievements and even vaccination records. \u201cYou can use blockchain to link to different data sources related to identity,\u201d he says.<\/p>\n

Li is not working to end anonymity per se, rather to help align interests so that everyday reality can better integrate into a decentralized world where individuals have more control over their data.<\/p>\n

\u201cI don\u2019t want to define us as a revolution. We want to change the link to the traditional world to make things better and better. Not just \u2018okay, break everything and rebuild everything\u2019.\u201d<\/p><\/blockquote>\n

Traditionalizing DeFi<\/h4>\n

The Wild West is a common characterization of the cryptocurrency environment \u2014 a new territory where everyone is a newcomer without a previous reputation and people are thus considered untrustworthy by default. Here, the only currency is cold hard (crypto) cash. In the old world, reputation and trust are perhaps the greatest of currencies. The question is how these two worlds will interact going forward: Will they separate entirely or merge?<\/p>\n

Li is betting<\/a> on a merger of worlds, believing that real-world identities still hold value. While centralized finance and DeFi players like Celcius and Aave offer various solutions for borrowing, these remain reliant on the borrower putting up adequate security.<\/p>\n

As the solutions offered by the DeFi industry mature and vie to attract more of the global masses, a shift toward services that are more familiar to the average person is perhaps inevitable. This could mean the end of repetitive Know Your Customer procedures.<\/p>\n

Jun sees Ethereum as the dominant chain going forward but believes there’s a need for at least a couple of others, including a blockchain for digital ID, which is Ontology.<\/p>\n

Opportunities await<\/h4>\n

When Li began his studies at the University of Shanghai in the mid-2000s, he chose computer science because \u201cThe internet was just coming out\u201d in China and the degree offered the hard skills that made it easy to find a job in the country’s growing technology sector. He initially worked as a programmer with various Chinese firms but soon moved up to manage IT strategy on behalf of major enterprises, such as Infosys in 2010. He expanded his horizons by studying in Manchester, London and Hong Kong, adding master’s degrees in both science and business administration by 2014.<\/p>\n

With a fresh MBA in hand, he took on a post with China\u2019s first futures exchange, the China Financial Futures Exchange, where he laid financial frameworks for the rising Chinese economy, including \u201cexchange products, sentiment products, design and architecture.\u201d<\/p>\n

Six years ago, while leading an innovation team charged with researching new technologies like big data and artificial intelligence, he realized there was more to blockchain than meets the eye. Blockchain, he found, is \u201cincomparable to other IT-technologies.\u201d<\/p>\n

\u201cI realized that blockchain is not only a kind of financial technology. It is a kind of mechanism that allows people to cooperate based on a no-trust mechanism,\u201d he explains.<\/p>\n

\u201cI thought \u2018okay this is a very interesting technology, I should put then all my time to it\u2019, so I quit my job.\u201d<\/p><\/blockquote>\n

He promptly co-founded OnChain, a provider of open-source blockchain solutions for the Chinese market, in 2016.<\/p>\n

The system architect determined that the virtual world being built by the global blockchain industry lacked interconnectivity due to its largely pseudonymous nature. \u201cWe need to build a bridge from the traditional world into the world of decentralized identity,\u201d he concluded, explaining that a digital ID could link blockchain accounts to real people. Two years later, he founded Ontology to bring this vision to life.<\/p>\n

The great balancing act<\/h4>\n

Data is often called the new oil. All manner of companies harvest various types of user data for profit without allowing the users themselves any method of benefiting directly from the data they give up. Much of this information collection takes place without the knowledge of the end-user, and the mere use of a product often implies the acceptance of a terms of service that makes it clear that the data in question never belonged to the user at all.<\/p>\n

For a person who values privacy and anonymity, the modern reality of surveillance capitalism is a force to be reckoned with. Participation is effectively mandatory, lest one become a true hermit. Even if one is not opposed to sharing their personal information with companies, there is a constant risk that identity thieves will access the companies’ databases, as pointed out by Erik Voorhees<\/a>, whose cryptocurrency exchange platform, ShapeShift, now allows users to trade without KYC.<\/p>\n

\u201cOnline, your Bitcoin address is kind of an identity, people maybe don’t know who are you in the real world, but the account is kind of identity.\u201d This is a kind of pseudonymity.<\/p>\n
